All the information,
you need to attend a class.
When & Where are the classes?
How much does it cost?
- Payment 24hours before class
- Available if space
- Payment 24hours before class
- Available if space
- Maximum Class Size = 12 people
- Guarenteed Space
- Payable in advance
- 6 classes per block
- 7 to 8 Blocks per year
- Max 4 students per class in studio
- Max 6 students per class on Zoom
- Guarenteed Space
- Payable in advance
- 6 classes per block
- 7 to 9 blocks per year
- Max 12 students per class
- 60 minutes of 1-2-1 attention
- Or bring a friend & share the attention
Have questions? Why not pop over to my Frequently Asked Quesitons page.
The top 3 asked questions.
Choose comfortable, form fitting clothing – fitted top, leggings/tracksuit bottoms or similar; I need to be able to see your body alightment.
Bare feet or grippy socks to help you connect with the floor, no shoes or trainers please.
At the studio I provide everything you will need, you just bring yourself.
When attending an online class you will need to provide your own equipment.
work out where you are going to do your Pilates – I would ideally like to be able to see you when you stand up & lie down on your mat – a camera angle like this would be ideal ->
have all your equipment to hand – the minimum you will need is a mat & a head cushion or hand towel. If you’re feeling flexibly challenged, you’ll also need something to sit on that’s high enough (and not too wobbly) for you to be able to sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.
Want to know more?
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Haven’t found what you are looking for on the website? Send me a message using the form below and we’ll have a chat about your questions.